The era of Hybrid Learning: know the concept and all the advantages

Hybrid Learning is the major trend in the education sector and it promotes the combination of face-to-face teaching with remote learning. It presupposes that it is possible to learn from anywhere using technology, but it is imperative that classrooms are properly equipped so this can be possible.

Within the concept of hybrid learning there is the possibility of implementing different variants according to the needs, realities or objectives of each school. We are talking, for example, of fully distance learning models, teaching models that include part of the students present in the classroom and another part watching remotely, or live streaming teaching models whose main objective is to broadcast the class live, also enabling the interaction of students through chats and comments.

Whatever the format adopted, the classrooms should be equipped with the technology necessary for the intended purpose, so that, in case of any adversity in the future, the programmed teaching contents continue to be taught by the teachers, avoiding major losses associated with the interruption of education and the consequent deficit in school performance by students.

However, to implement this hybrid learning model the question that many teachers and boards of educational entities will ask will be related to its implementation and associated resources. And it is here that Ésistemas® stands out precisely for having hardware solutions that are simple to install and often plug and play. We are talking about:

• Interactive displays
• Cameras and microphones prepared for videoconferencing between teachers and students present in the classroom
• Devices for students to attend classes from home
• Software tools that allow students interaction, teacher management of classes and formative assessment whenever necessary.

The focus on interaction software is crucial. Otherwise, students who are remotely will simply be watching the class, as if it were a video for example, and will disconnect very quickly. Just the technology does not improve school results. Resources are not enough. Hardware is just the way schools need to quickly install an hybrid learning solution suited to their reality. Therefore, it is not too much to emphasize that whatever vehicle is chosen, the educational software must accompany any learning solution, thus providing multiple benefits:

• Content sharing
• On-time collaboration between teachers and students
• Learning based on educational games
• Formative assessments

Yes, it is possible to learn from anywhere

It is known that children feel at ease in the online environment at an earlier age, hence the principle of implementing distance learning was thought to be simple, from the student's point of view. In turn, teachers have to adapt to new technologies in order to continue teaching in pandemic times. And if for some this is not a problem because they are familiar with such resources, for others the effort is greater, but not unattainable. 

Recent studies in neuroscience, behavioral science and cognitive science support teachers with distance learning because it is indeed effective as long as it is well implemented. The Science of Learning report by Better Purpose* clarifies that children do learn no matter where they are and presents evidences about this. At ésistemas® we distribute solutions for remote learning practices. We stand beside teachers for a common good based on the future of education. For our future. For the future of everyone.

*Better Purpose works with organizations that want to make a difference in education outcomes around the world. Supports strategic planning, operational effectiveness, and design and delivery of education initiatives. More info at Download the Science of Learning and learn about all the evidence supporting the idea that learning from anywhere is possible.


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