Meeting Room Management: schedule, book and avoid troubles

From interruptions to ghost bookings or, even worse, overlapping bookings, there are many issues that arise when a good meeting room management is not considered. And what does this result in? Waste of time, annoyance, irritation and increased stress. Find a solution with us and get rid of this problem!

Usually, the factors behind poor meeting room management are:

Unawareness of whether the room is occupied or not

Total absence of hardware/software to help manage meeting rooms

Lack of clarity in hardware/software about whether rooms are available for use or not

The solution to avoid the embarrassment associated with booking meeting rooms is to manage them well with support equipment that leaves no doubts to those who booked and those who want to book and/or check whether the room is already occupied by chance. This control is only effective with hardware and software dedicated to managing meeting rooms. With these features, it will be possible to:

• Book or cancel meeting rooms from your calendar

• Check in the display at the entrance to the meeting room whether or not it is occupied

• Book or cancel meetings directly on the display at the entrance to the meeting room

• Notify all meeting attendees of booking, changing time or location, or canceling the meeting

• Assess various insights such as analyzing how often the room is used and by whom, analyzing the average number of participants, average usage time, etc.

Discover the benefits of a Meeting Room Management system:

Easy and simple management: book the room by email, receive notifications if your meeting request has been accepted or denied, and check the status of the display at the entrance to the room to check if it is free. 
Management is super user friendly and adaptation is immediate, with positive effects very quickly.

Increased productivity: overcoming the constraints of double bookings, phantom bookings or interruptions, working time is optimized

Non-disruptive meetings: More focus means more efficient meetings.

Insights from the meeting with various useful statistics: these statistics allow the company to have a global view of the room's usability, thus providing concrete data to better assess if the infrastructures are adequate or not.

Web-base interconnection: nowadays, meeting room reservation systems are compatible with Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange and Google Suite, enabling a wide interconnection between different tools.

The meeting room reservation systems offer a simplified management of the company's rooms occupation and guarantee a wide interconnection between multiple tools ensuring that everything is connected. The advantages are more than many, so if you are thinking about abn ideal solution for your company, please contact us. Our specialized team will assess your needs and provide an effective solution for your reality.


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